What is the CPAP Machine: how to work CPAP machine, advantage, disadvantage and uses

What is the CPAP Machine: how to work CPAP machine, advantage, disadvantage and uses

What is the CPAP Machine? When treating sleep apnea a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine is used. It delivers constant pressurized air through CPAP tubing into a mask that patients wear while they sleep. The CPAP machine is one of the most important treatments for sleep apnea. When the patient is sleeping, it keeps his airway open so that he can receive the oxygen he needs for optimal function.

How to work CPAP machine ? CPAP machines are used to treat both obstructive and central sleep apnea. In both disorders, the patient’s breathing is disrupted during sleep. This can happen multiple times in the same night. This leads to a lack of oxygen and increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other health related diseases.

What is the use of CPAP Sleep apnea machines are designed to deliver pressures from 4 cm of water pressure (CWP) up to a maximum of 25 CWP. This air is often passed through a heated humidifier and delivered through tubing to the mask interface. In this, a continuous flow of pressurized air continues to form a cushion along the upper airway.

What is the difference between CPAP, APAP machines? CPAP Machine :- It is designed to generate pressurized air at a constant air pressure level. Changing the air pressure will require resetting the device’s settings. APAP (Automatic Positive Air Flow Pressure) Machine :- It checks the breath while sleeping throughout the night. It automatically adjusts air pressure to compensate for changes in sleep position or medications that can alter breathing.

What are the advantages/ benefit of a CPAP machine? 1.) Improving the quality of sleep. 2.) Lower risk of heart attack and stroke. 3.) Reducing daytime sleepiness What are the disadvantage/ side effects of CPAP machine? 1.) Having difficulty sleeping (insomnia). 2.) Nasal congestion. 3.) Having dry mouth. 4.) Feeling claustrophobic. .