What is audiometry used for ?
A diagnostic examination called audiometry is used to evaluate a person’s ability to hear. It entails assessing hearing sensitivity at various intensities (loudness) and frequencies (pitch). An audiometer is a specialized piece of equipment used in a soundproof room by an audiologist to conduct this test. Audiometry fulfills a number of crucial functions.
- Hearing Evaluation:
- The primary purpose of audiometry is to evaluate a person’s hearing abilities. It helps determine the softest sounds a person can hear at different frequencies, typically ranging from low to high pitches.
- Identification of Hearing Loss:
- Audiometry is crucial in identifying and quantifying the degree and type of hearing loss. Hearing loss can be conductive (related to problems in the outer or middle ear) or sensorineural (related to issues in the inner ear or auditory nerve).
- Monitoring Hearing Changes:
- Regular audiometric tests are often conducted to monitor changes in hearing sensitivity over time. This is particularly important for individuals at risk of progressive hearing loss, such as those exposed to occupational noise or with certain medical conditions.
- Hearing Aid Fitting and Adjustment:
- Audiometry is instrumental in the fitting and adjustment of hearing aids. The audiologist uses the test results to customize the hearing aid settings according to the individual’s specific hearing needs.
- Cochlear Implant Candidacy Evaluation:
- For individuals with severe to profound hearing loss, audiometry helps determine if they are candidates for cochlear implants—devices that stimulate the auditory nerve to provide a sense of sound.
- Balance Disorders Assessment:
- Audiometry may be part of a comprehensive evaluation for individuals experiencing dizziness or balance disorders. This can help identify any relationship between hearing loss and vestibular (balance-related) issues.
- Occupational Health Assessments:
- Audiometry is often used in occupational health settings to monitor and assess the impact of occupational noise exposure on hearing. This is important for preventing occupational hearing loss.
- Research and Population Studies:
- Audiometric data collected from large populations can be used for research purposes, helping to understand trends in hearing loss prevalence, contributing factors, and potential interventions.
- School Hearing Screenings:
- Audiometry is commonly used in school settings to screen the hearing of students. This helps identify children with potential hearing issues that may affect their academic performance.
- Legal and Disability Determinations:
- Audiometry results may be used in legal and disability-related contexts, such as in workers’ compensation cases or for disability determinations.
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What is Speech Audiometry
Speech audiometry is a diagnostic test that assesses an individual’s ability to hear and understand speech. It involves the presentation of spoken words or sentences at different volumes and in various background noise conditions to evaluate a person’s speech perception abilities. The results of speech audiometry help audiologists determine the extent of hearing loss and develop appropriate treatment plans.
What is the procedure of audiometry
The definition of “producer” varies according on the situation. If you’re talking about the creators or manufacturers of audiometric equipment, they may be defined as a range of businesses that focus on creating and designing tools for hearing tests. These businesses make audiometers, which are the main instruments used by medical professionals and audiologists to do audiometric testing.
The firms that make audiometry equipment are well-known. Among the instances are:
- Maico Diagnostics: Maico is a global company that manufactures a range of audiological equipment, including audiometers, tympanometers, and hearing screening devices.
- Interacoustics: Interacoustics is a company that develops and manufactures advanced diagnostic instruments for hearing and balance assessment, including audiometers.
- Grason-Stadler (GSI): GSI is a leading provider of audiometric instruments and hearing healthcare solutions, offering a variety of audiometers for different applications.
- Natus Medical Incorporated: Natus Medical produces a wide range of medical devices, including diagnostic equipment for audiology such as audiometers and evoked potential systems.
- Otometrics (a part of Natus): Otometrics, as part of the Natus group, focuses on providing diagnostic solutions for hearing and balance.
- Siemens Healthineers: Siemens Healthineers is a multinational medical technology company that produces various medical devices, including audiometers.
- Medtronic: Medtronic, known for its contributions to medical technology, offers a range of audiological devices, including audiometers for hearing assessments.
- Welch Allyn (now part of Hillrom): Welch Allyn, now a part of Hillrom, is a manufacturer of medical diagnostic equipment, including audiometers for hearing tests.

1) To measure the pure tone generator-cochlear function
2) a bone conduction oscillator, for measurement of individual thrust
3) An attenuator, for measurement of speech test
4) A microphone and earphones for air conduction test are included.
5) impedance audiometry, which measures the dynamics and air pressure of the middle ear system and middle ear (stapedial) reflexes, and auditory brainstem response (ABR), which measures nerve transmission time from the cochlea through the brainstem.
What is the purpose of the audiometry test?
An audiometry test is used to measure the hearing in your ears. Sounds differ based on their loudness (intensity) and the speed of sound wave vibration (tone). Hearing occurs when sound waves stimulate the nerves of the inner ear. The sound then travels along nerve pathways to the brain.
What are the types of audiometry?
The assessment of hearing sensitivity is known as audiometry, and there are several kinds of audiometric examinations that are intended to evaluate certain facets of hearing. The following are some typical forms of audiometry:
Various audiometric techniques are used to identify a person’s hearing ability.
- Pure-Tone Audiometry:
- Pure-tone audiometry is the most common type of audiometric test. It involves presenting pure-tone sounds (single-frequency tones) at different frequencies and intensities to determine the softest sounds a person can hear. The results are plotted on an audiogram.
- Speech Audiometry:
- Speech audiometry assesses a person’s ability to hear and understand speech. It involves presenting spoken words or sentences at different volumes to evaluate speech recognition thresholds and word recognition scores.
- Tympanometry:
- Tympanometry assesses the movement of the eardrum in response to changes in air pressure. It is often used to detect conditions such as middle ear infections, blockages, or issues with the eustachian tube.
- Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Testing:
- Otoacoustic emissions testing measures the sounds produced by the inner ear in response to a stimulus. It is commonly used in newborn hearing screenings and can provide information about the function of the cochlea.
- Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Testing:
- ABR testing evaluates the electrical activity of the auditory nerve and brainstem in response to sound stimuli. It is often used to assess hearing in individuals who may have difficulty with traditional behavioral audiometry, such as infants.
- Electrocochleography (ECochG):
- ECochG measures the electrical potentials generated in the inner ear in response to sound. It is used to assess cochlear function and is particularly helpful in diagnosing disorders affecting the inner ear.
- Conditioned Play Audiometry (CPA):
- CPA is a type of audiometric testing designed for young children who may not be able to respond to traditional pure-tone audiometry. It involves conditioning the child to perform a play activity in response to auditory stimuli.
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA):
- VRA is another audiometric test for young children. Visual stimuli, such as lights or animated toys, are used to reinforce the child’s response to sound, allowing for the assessment of hearing thresholds.
- Play Audiometry:
- Play audiometry involves using play-based activities or games to engage children in responding to auditory stimuli. It is a child-friendly method of assessing hearing thresholds.
- High-Frequency Audiometry:
- High-frequency audiometry assesses hearing sensitivity at frequencies higher than those typically evaluated in standard pure-tone audiometry. It is used in specific cases where high-frequency hearing loss may be of concern.

What Is audiometry test
A sound proof room is required to do this test. The patient wears headphones or earplugs attached to a device that sends sounds of varying volume and pitch to one ear at a time. Each time the patient hears a sound, he or she will be asked to respond by raising their hand or pressing a button.
What is the normal range Audiometry test
The tone of sound is measured in frequencies (Hz). Low bass tones range 50-60 Hz, high-pitched tones range 10,000 Hz or higher. Normal hearing range is 250-8,000 Hz at 25 dB or lower.
What is the working principle audiometry
The basic idea behind audiometry is to determine an individual’s level of hearing sensitivity by evaluating how well they can identify and react to noises of various frequencies and intensities. An audiometer is a specialized device used for hearing testing that is commonly used in audiometry procedures. The most popular kind of audiometry, pure-tone audiometry, operates on the following general principles:
- Pure-Tone Audiometry:
- Frequency and Intensity:
- Sounds are characterized by their frequency (pitch) and intensity (loudness). In pure-tone audiometry, specific frequencies are tested, typically ranging from low to high frequencies (e.g., 250 Hz to 8,000 Hz).
- Audiometer and Headphones:
- The audiometer generates pure-tone sounds at various frequencies and intensities. These sounds are delivered to the patient through headphones.
- Audiogram:
- The audiologist presents the tones to the patient at different frequencies and varying loudness levels. The patient responds to the tones by indicating when they can hear the sound. The responses are recorded on an audiogram.
- Threshold Determination:
- The softest sound that the patient can reliably hear at each tested frequency is known as the hearing threshold. The hearing threshold is depicted on the audiogram, providing a graph of the individual’s hearing sensitivity.
- Air and Bone Conduction Testing:
- Pure-tone audiometry includes both air conduction and bone conduction testing. Air conduction involves presenting sounds through the air (via headphones), while bone conduction involves delivering sounds directly to the inner ear through vibrations transmitted through a bone vibrator.
- Interpretation:
- The audiologist interprets the audiogram to assess the type and degree of hearing loss. The audiogram shows the patient’s hearing thresholds for different frequencies in both ears.
- Frequency and Intensity:
- Speech Audiometry:
- Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT):
- Speech audiometry assesses the softest level at which the patient can understand speech. The Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT) is determined by presenting spoken words or sentences at different intensities.
- Word Recognition Score (WRS):
- Word Recognition Score (WRS) assesses the percentage of correctly identified words at a comfortable listening level. This provides information about the patient’s ability to understand speech.
- Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT):
The pure tone audiometric air conduction test is performed by means of an earphone to deliver pure tone to the ear and measure the lowest intensity in decibels (dB), at which the tone is perceived 50% of the time.
This measurement is called the threshold. The test procedure is repeated for each ear at specific frequencies of 250 to 8000 Hz (Hz, or cycles per second), with the thresholds recorded on a graph called an audiogram.

Bone conduction testing is performed by placing an oscillator on the mastoid process and measuring the threshold at equal frequencies. Masking noise is sometimes used in the other ear or in the non-tested ear to prevent its participation in the test.
Audiometery test results
Looking at the audiogram graph, it has two axes x, y. The horizontal axis (x-axis) represents the frequency (pitch) from lowest to highest. The lowest frequency tested is usually 250 Hz (Hz), and the highest is usually 8000 Hz.
Psychoacoustic audiometry
An audiogram is a type of psycho-acoustic test that helps an audiologist interpret speech test results, prescribe hearing aids, and help patients understand their communication issues.
An audiogram is a graph that shows the frequency in hertz on the abscissa and the hearing threshold in decibels at the frequency. The zero level on an audiogram is an arbitrary sound pressure level that indicates ideal normal hearing in young adults.
A hearing test is a measure of a patient’s ability to hear and understand speech. The Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) is the lowest decibel level at which a patient can repeat 50% of the test words correctly.
The speech threshold should be within ± 10 dB of the pure tone average at frequencies of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz. Speech discrimination scores are obtained using phonetically balanced, one-syllable words that are typically presented 25–40 dB above the hearing range obtained from pure-tone audiograms. audiometer used for hearing loss and others.
Hearing discrimination is usually good in purely conductive hearing loss when the presentation level is loud enough. Speech discrimination scores are variable in sensorineural loss.
Poor speech discrimination in the presence of less loss for pure tone increases the index of suspicion for retrocochlear disease by 75%.
For impedance audiometer, a hermetic seal is obtained by inserting a probe tip into the outer ear canal. The pressure in the enclosed cavity varies from + 200 to – 200 mm H2O and the change in the sound pressure level of a probe tone is graphed. It refers to the movement of the middle ear system. audiometry used for handicap certificate.
The contraction of the stapedius muscle in response to a loud sound is measured at the impedance bridge. In the normal ear, these reflex thresholds should be observed at 70 to 90 dB above the pure-tone threshold.
At 10 to 15 dB above the reflex threshold at 500 and 1000 Hz, the stapedius contraction should last for at least 9-10 seconds. Showing reflex loss, or failure to maintain contractions for 10 seconds, is one of the earliest signs of a retrocochlear disease.
For auditory brainstem response (ABR) audiometry, electrodes are placed on the patient’s top, earlobe, and forehead.
The clicks are delivered through the earphones, and a computer reports the time-off potential responses for the first 10 milliseconds after the sound stimulus. audiometry used for accurate data provide to doctor.
From these responses, a display of five distinct waveforms is generated at the estimated latency. This response must be reliably repeatable in order to be evaluated. Or there appears to be a response from one ear with an acoustic neuroma, and one ear with no identifiable response.
Basic science and clinical significance
Conductive hearing loss can be caused by diseases of the outer ear canal (eg, wax) or by middle ear problems such as infections, tumors, ossification (otosclerosis), and birth defects.
Many conduction losses can be managed medically or surgically. audiometry used for basically this equipment used certification of hear losses
These diseases can occur due to the following reasons,
a) sensorineural hearing loss (cochlear or VIII nerve damage) maternal rubella, b) mumps,
c) meningitis,
d) noise shock,
e) the ontologic effects of aging (presbycusis),
f) Ototoxic drugs,
g) trauma,
h) Meniere’s disease,
i) hyperlipidemia,
j)hereditary syndrome,
k) can be caused by conditions such as demyelinating diseases.
l) Tumors affecting the eighth nerve.
m) A patient with sensorineural hearing loss is usually a hearing aid patient.

how to read speech audiometry results
Reading speech audiometry results involves interpreting the performance of an individual during the test. Here are some key elements to consider when interpreting speech audiometry results:
Speech Reception Threshold (SRT).
Word Recognition Score (WRS).
Speech Discrimination.
Speech-in-Noise Testing.
what is speech audiometry
Speech audiometry is a diagnostic assessment used to evaluate an individual’s ability to hear and understand speech. It is a key component of a comprehensive hearing evaluation conducted by an audiologist or hearing healthcare professional.
how to read audiometry report
Reading an audiometry report involves understanding and interpreting the results obtained from the audiometric testing. Here are the key elements to consider when reading an audiometry report:
Audiogram. …
Air Conduction (AC) Results. …
Bone Conduction (BC) Results. …
what is speech audiometry test
Speech audiometry is a type of hearing test that as an individual’s ability to understand and interpret speech. It is conducted to evaluate how well a person can hear and comprehend speech in different listening conditions.